Monday, 4 February 2019

Music Video Ideas: Brief Notes & Initial Ideas

Breathin (Ariana Grande)
- use projections to illustrate lyrics of a song or amplify the music
- female subject (probably will have to film myself)
- harder to make interesting for a long time
- use of clouds and weather to be metaphorical about lyrics
- even split the subject just to focus one part of the body at a time
- dress in oversized jacket like album cover
- kaleidoscope effect

I need somebody (DAY6)
- use multiple subjects and discuss different mental health issues
- could even slice in clips from hollywood films then burn them out (fake relationships)
- heavy use of lyrics
- maybe do a form of animation to overlay subject's face
- a lot of amplifying especially with the breakdown
- black & white, with spots of colour to match the album

Instagram (Dean):
- have subject scrolling through instagram (have video playing within an instagram frame post edit)
- zooms in when beat drops to show 'real side of instagram'
- for bridge have subject walk down a street with people taking pictures or editing themselves to look different (could have a few pastiche or parody moments relating to celebrities)
- end of song has person throwing phone away (could play credits as notifications on phone)
- wouldn't be able to lip sync accurately due to Korean lyrics
- would need ALOT of extras which could prove difficult for timing & scheduling

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